The Ceremonial Visit

“Suresh jee , what time is the meeting at Labour Commissioner’s Office today?” Piya enquired with her Assistant, while hurriedly glancing through her official calendar for the day. Her Assistant, Suresh, however, was unbothered by the haste in Piya’s voice. “3 PM, Madam”, he replied, adjusting himself on his chair. The canteen boy had just swished by, placing cups of afternoon tea on each desk. He leisurely took a sip from his cup. “Fine. We will leave at 2”, she said, pointing at the clock. “I have to make a quick visit to the Central Cemetery. I’ve checked Maps. It’s on our way to the Commissioner’s Office”. This announcement somehow made Suresh uneasy. He paused before taking his next sip and turned his chair to face Piya. “C-c-cemetery? Means, graveyard?”, he asked, sipping from his cup again. “Yes Suresh jee , ‘ cemetery means graveyard ’.” He took a while to process this, unsure as to how he can decline a proposition...