A Whole Lotta Light!

I scoured the bedroom cabinet to rescue a large cardboard box set aside for this time of the year. As I placed the box on the floor, my cat, Nemo, inquisitively came around to inspect the invaluable contents of the box. She was greeted by intertwined coils of rice lights, unassumingly resting in the box. As the mister took out the bunch and connected them to the nearest electrical port to check which ones worked, the wires sprung to life, twinkling in red, blue, yellow, pink and green. Nemo immediately engaged in an imaginary conversation with the lights warning them to behave, lest they wished to be scratched. But soon enough, as the mister hung them out over the window, Nemo had gotten friendly with them, assured that their territories were established as mutually exclusive. Nemo settled herself near the windowsill, as the strings of light dimmed and shone alternately rendering a sparkling outfit to the grills of our window. Lights and Diwali are considered syno...