A Meaningless Job

I have been doing a meaningless job
Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I sob
Sometimes I kill time, by doing some puzzles
Whatsaspp and facebook, seem to drive away by troubles
I dribble away the hours like an MBA snob
The papers keep coming, in my meaningless job.

I read and I read, but nothing excites me
I type out the replies, so boring it surprises me!
I wonder if all my degrees and the so called intelligence
Really requires me to churn out this work in diligence?
I drag myself up and try to make my work less drab
Click-clack goes my keyboard, writing a song on my meaningless job.

Sometimes on loo breaks, I take a quick nap in the bathroom
I engage in small talks to drive away the sleepy gloom
Green tea and day dreams aid me to carry on
The song playing in my head is by Aerosmith, a song called ‘Dream on’
I stare at the computer screen, trying my best to absorb
Because I have to deliver, be it a meaningless job.

I fish out my calendar and start planning my next holiday
I google about flights, trains and exotic hotels in places far away
A sudden excitement envelopes me and I quickly finish a few letters
I report to my boss with some finished work on urgent matters
Then again I google up and calculate the vacation budget
Wallet denies, balloon bursts and I get back, to my meaningless job.

I stare at the clock and 5 pm it says - one more hour to go
I rush through the papers so that there is no pending work for tomorrow
Resolving grievances and providing suggestions, I feel I have done enough
It strikes me that the last one hour, is my desired time to do serious stuff
With the bags so packed and the desk crystal clear, I run to the bus stop
The day has ended and I emerge - a funny girl, trapped in a meaningless job. 


  1. It's amazing how you find inspiration in the most mundane of things!


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